Joe's New Blog

Nothing special, this is just my third effort at writing a blog about my life and what goes on in it: Hobbies, cooking, work, maybe the occasional book or DVD review, and so forth. Nothing really noteworthy, but this is sort of a little subset of my world...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daily Journal: Day 7 of 365

Today was at least a borderline productive day, even though I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to. I woke up fairly early for a weekend and checked the e-mail and such this morning while having my morning coffee. After that, I started taking some boxes upstairs to clear out the living room so the new landlord’s carpet guy can do his magic on Tuesday. I still have a few things that need to go up, and I need to take apart the electronics and get those put away tomorrow, but it’s a lot better than it was.

I also cleaned out Kala’s litter box, which really needed it. Unfortunately, I think all the dust from the kitty litter may have aggravated the girlfriend’s allergies, but her sneezing and snuffling settled down a little once she medicated herself.

On the computer and blogging front, I downloaded a new free HTML editor to use for creating my 2010 New Year’s resolutions page. It’s called PageBreeze, and it seems to be a fairly decent piece of software, although it does seem to be pretty advertising heavy. The company has some commercial software and hosts a system for creating online forms and retrieving the data, so it makes sense that they’d have this kind of adware. It doesn’t detract from the use of the free software, though. I used it to create a page for the resolutions and to revise my homepage and a couple of other pages on the website, to make them look a little sharper, I think.

We made pork chops on the grill for dinner. We haven’t used the grill for a few months now, and the girlfriend was saying that maybe it was kind of a wasted purchase. We just need to find more friends and invite them over more often. Maybe once the repairs are done on the place, or whenever we find a new place to live, we’ll be able to become a bit more sociable…

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Friday, March 21, 2008

So this isn't going all that quickly...

I pretty much just archived my old website and put up a quick and dirty placeholder, but aside from creating a new blog for the site and adding a couple of links to the old site and one of the most popular pages on it, I really haven’t done much at all with this. Oh, and I did add a page for my cross stitch projects, but even that’s not getting updated when I complete all of my projects. Of course, stressing out over my move to Texas hasn’t helped all that much. Maybe once I’m down there, I’ll have a little more free time to get this done. For now, it stays on the list, of course, but it’s definitely slow going at best.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

A few more cross-stitch postings to my website...

I posted a few more pictures of my completed cross stitch projects here. I had planned to do a little more work on the site this weekend, but working a 24-hour straight shift from Thursday morning to Friday morning kind of messed up my weekend pretty severely. I'm still hoping to revamp my page about the Colosseum, since that still seems to be the main reason why people visit my site. That'll have to be one of my projects for this week...

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Cross stitch projects...

I posted a new page to the site. Nothing too terribly fancy, but it's a photographic catalog of my completed cross stitch projects. I need to post the remainder of those photos to Flickr so I can link to them on there. That should be done later today...

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