Joe's New Blog

Nothing special, this is just my third effort at writing a blog about my life and what goes on in it: Hobbies, cooking, work, maybe the occasional book or DVD review, and so forth. Nothing really noteworthy, but this is sort of a little subset of my world...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

One step forward...

Sometimes I feel like I'm just rushing forward, getting so much closer to completing one of these damned projects, and then something jumps in front of me and makes me slam on the brakes. I ran into a problem last night, with trying to keep track of which annual contract record was the current one. I thought I came up with a way to solve it, but talking to the boss this morning gave me a better way of solving it. So now I'm having to redo the stuff that I just redid last night. For about the tenth time, it seems like.

And, of course, I'm running out of time, because I need to have not only this program, but also the gas cards web page thing done by the 13th of March, which is only a couple of weeks away. I guess I'm going to have to pretty much just bust ass all next week on that one and try to get something out there which is somewhat useable, and let the chips fall where they may as far as my review goes. So much for the whole "doing great things at work" idea...


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